'Chef-Client'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2011.05.12 Chef Server/Client (on FrameOS6)

한동안 회사일로 Chef Server/Client (CentOS기반) 구축문서 마무리를 못했었는데, 일신상의 이유로 여유가 생겨 다시 이어서 작성하고자 OPScode의 Installation Wiki문서를 찾았다. 그런데... 또 바뀌었다..ㅡㅡ;; 
이전의 번거롭던 설치 과정이 다 필요 없어졌다. CentOS든 FrameOS든 VM어플라이언스 형태로 제공되기 시작한듯 하다. 여기에 FrameOS의 경우, RPM(yum)를 통해서도 설치를 지원한다. 희소식이긴 하나, 이전의 나의 삽질은 정말 삽질이 되버렸다. 물론 도움은 많이 되었고, Chef운용에도 여전히 참조될 정보들이긴 하나, 좀 허무하다~ ㅎㅎ;;

자세한 정보는 아래 링크주소와 스크랩 내용을 참조....

RPM Package Support Deprecated

RPM installation via ELFF has been deprecated, as the RPM based approach has proved difficult to maintain with the fast moving nature of the rubygems ecosystem. Please refer to Install Chef Server From Rubygems, or Install Chef Client with Rubygems for an Opscode supported approach.

Community RPM Package Support

Community members are actively working on third-party repositories for Chef on Redhat based distributions - some of which Opscode has used successfully with some customers.

These are not officially supported by Opscode for Opscode Platform customers, and we have not committed time to testing and ensuring the functionality of these packages with Chef. They may still be options community users want to consider, turning to the Open Source Community Help Resources for support.

Alternate RPM Repositories

Alternatives that leverage RVM

Pre-built, RPM based Virtual Appliances


The future solution to this problem will be full-stack installers delivered both as stand-alone installable binaries and native packages, but with the entire dependency chain included. That this is the right solution is starting to be pretty widely embraced - you can see the evidence in several past package maintainers for chef moving to a model exactly like this.

Opscode has an full-stack or 'fatty' installer in development. Further information and detail regarding the 'fatty' installer will be forthcoming as it progresses through product planning.


Posted by 사랑줍는거지